Heal | Cleanse | Protect


Traditional Holistic Medicine from Indigenous Amazonian Tradition

Kambo, (or Sapo or Acate), comes from the secretion of the phyllomedusa bicolor tree frog of the amazon jungle.

Since Kambo’s discovery in the western world, it’s been shown to have incredible effects in helping ailments such as Lyme disease, autoimmune, depression and anxiety, addiction, some cancers, hormonal imbalances, infertility, and gut dysbiosis and more, Traditionally the Matses tribe use it to create strength, agility, and clarity for hunting and also for physical healing and spiritual cleansing.

Kambo is applied directly to the lymphatic system through small superficial burns made to the outer layer of the skin.

Kambo’s healing properties are connected to an intense but short purge to detox from toxins and negative energies.

Within its secretion are 16 bioactive peptides which enter the bloodstream and seek out receptor sites in the cells of multiple organ systems including the immune system, digestive system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, and nervous system.

Kambo is renowned for it’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Though many labs seek to synthesize it, they can’t recreate the spirit of the frog or the way all of its magical peptides work synergistically with each other to bring you back into balance. Nature knows best.

Interested in Kambo?
We’ll begin with a FREE 30 minute Discovery Call to determine
if Kambo is right for you.

Kambo sessions require a Discovery Call prior to booking.

“It’s not glamorous and it’s physically challenging but receiving Kambo in a supportive environment has shown me how much strength I possess and that I can push myself past my self-imposed limits.”

I sought out Kambo to support healing my autoimmune disorders and support internal healing from trauma and self-doubt. After many sessions, my flare ups are almost gone, my gut health is a lot better, and I’ve been able to make progress on moving through internal blocks that have held me back for years.
— Elyse

What Does Kambo Feel Like?

Each Kambo experience is unique.

No two sessions are alike.

Each frog has different peptide levels and combined with your unique body constitution on a given day, each session’s experience can vary.

Kambo is applied through “gates”; meaning that the top layer of the skin or epidermis will be burned first with a natural incense stick so that a blister will form. Once the Kambo has been applied, it is distributed throughout the body via the lymphatic and circulations systems.

In general, you can expect to feel the effects of the medicine within minutes of application. Most people will feel any or all of these effects, caused by the peptides in the venom: heat, facial swelling, nausea, and rapid heart rate as well as vomiting and defecation. 

For a short while you will experience an elevated body temperature along with increased heart rate, fast dilation of the blood vessels causing a pounding or rushing sensation, slight swelling of the lips, face and tightness in the throat, skin tingling, some dizziness.

Around 80% of people will purge from Kambo in the form of vomiting, sweating, and defecation but purging can also happen as shaking, burping, and/or emotional releases over the course of 20-30 minutes.

The other 20% or so of people can experience longer or shorter sessions of more or less intensity and a small percentage may not vomit at all but can still receive benefits from Kambo.

What Does A Kambo Session Look Like?

Kambo sessions are 2 hours long.

We will begin by smudging ourselves with sage and taking some time to connect around your intentions, answer questions, and decide on where you want the gates/dots. You will have the option to use Sananga eye drops before Kambo at no extra charge.

(Please see FAQ’s to learn about Sananga and Hapé).

While I prepare the medicine, you will drink 1-1.5 liters of water until you get a feeling of fullness or nausea. I will first apply a test dot depending on your experience with Kambo (or if it’s your first time), and seeing how you respond before applying more.

We will stay in communication throughout so I can support your experience appropriately.

I may ask you to drink more water, smell palo santo, or serve you Hape, to help induce a purge should you feel stuck or need support.

When you feel complete we will remove the medicine and you will enjoy some well deserved rest.

As you rest I will offer you some gentle Polarity Therapy to further support you as you begin to ground in your process and integrate any insights you received.

Take the plunge!

To schedule a Kambo session we begin with a Discovery Call.

This discovery call helps us get to know one another and determine whether you’re a candidate for a Kambo Session. Please note, not everyone is a candidate for Kambo due to contraindications and safety.

Hop on a call!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Autoimmune such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, crohns, hyper/hypothyroid, PCOS and PMDD, fertility, parasites, detoxing from chemo and radiation and long term antibiotics, strengthening immunity against viruses, bacteria, and fungus, drug and alcohol addiction, cravings, depression and anxiety, most cases of PTSD, some cases of covid and long covid, imposter syndrome, balancing feminine and masculine energies, clarity, brain fog, and more. It’s important to understand that the way kambo affects everyone is different. Many people with issues like these get great results with Kambo, but there is also the rare possibility that it can be made worse.

    Always check with your doctor.

    *Kambo is not intended to treat disease or become a substitute for medical care. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one.

  • There is no protocol or prescribed frequency to follow. It is suggested for things such as addiction and autoimmune that you have more frequent sessions in the beginning, however it's important that you are rested and ready for each session. Listening to your body is the best way to determine how often you need kambo.

  • There are no cookie cutter protocols since every one will have different constitutions, desires, and intentions for using the medicine. It is suggested to have at least 3 sessions of Kambo within a 30 day period to connect with the frog, allow each session to build on the last, and to learn how to navigate and work with the frog in your own way. Especially those with chronic issues or addiction may need to sit with kambo more frequently in the beginning. The better you feel, the less of it you will need. Once you feel you've reached your goal with Kambo, you can listen to your body for when you sit with it again.

  • Kambo is safe when all medical considerations are abided by and the practitioner is well trained and knows their medicine well. Having a good source for medicine is also important to ensure integrity, freshness, and respect for the frog and its habitat. There have been approx 2% of deaths out of all of the people who use this medicine and the majority of these have been linked to undisclosed or unknown prior medical conditions and from drinking too much water before, during, and after the session.

    While it is impossible to completely eradicate any and all risk, the responsible use of Kambo is very safe and even regularly given to young children in the amazon jungle.

  • Immunosuppressants
    If you're taking prescribed medication for autoimmune conditions it is advised that you stop taking the medication (always check with your doctor) for a week prior to your kambo session. Kambo will activate your immune system and can cause reactions with this medication. 

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)
    Must be stopped 3-7 days prior to your session and can be resumed the day after your session. Always check with your doctor before stopping and starting any medications.

  • Do not take any recreational drugs,  alcohol, psychedelics,  supplements, or caffeine the day of your session. 

    NO BUFO or DMT or IBOGA within 30 days before of after kambo

    No ayahuasca day of kambo session

    • cardiovascular issues (high/low blood pressure, heart attack, arrhythmia, ANY issues with the heart)

    • Stroke

    • Aneurysm

    • Addison’s disease - kidneys will not be able to handle the stress of kambo

    • Pancreatitis - Cerulean peptides will overstimulate the pancreas

    • Epilepsy - can induce seizures

    • History of frequent fainting - kambo induces fluctuations in Blood pressure

    • Recent surgery 

    • Organ transplants

    • Psychosis and anyone who is not mentally stable enough to make their own decisions, handle intense stress, or ground in reality.

    • Bipolar 2 

    • Vertigo

    • Esophageal Varices - vomiting can tear the esophagus and lead to bleeding in the lungs

    • Active bulimia and anorexia- risk of esophageal rupture due to vomiting; Body might be unable to handle stress of the medicine

    • Pregnancy or might be pregnant - can induce abortion

    • Water fasts, juice cleanses, long term fasts within 7 days of Kambo - risk of electrolyte imbalances

    • Currently undergoing chemo and radiation - Kambo can be helpful in detoxing from chemo and radiation therapy 3 months after you stop it.

    • Severe allergies - Kambo can elicit a histamine response that causes hives, rashes, swelling, itching, and in some cases anaphylaxis. 

    • We can have you hold the stick to monitor for a response. There are no known allergies to kambo itself, however it’s better to be safe

  • Kambo is not a hallucinogen although expansions in consciousness can occur. Rarely people might even see visions of the frog spirit or enter a space of profound meditation despite the discomfort of the medicine. You will be coherent and alert for your session and you'll be able to drive home after your rest.

  • Safe and respectful harvesting methods are very important to me as the frog is dear to my heart. I am grateful that I learned this medicine and met the frog in its natural habitat of Peru with a Matses tribe member named Robinson who had 35 years of experience of serving. I have been to the areas from which Robbie finds the frogs and learned how he harvests the venom with minimal discomfort felt by the animals. All of them are released after harvesting. Robinson also pays attention to the marks on the frogs to ensure that none are overmilked and they have enough secretion left to fend for themselves. I get all of my Kambo and Sananga from him so when you sit with me, you are also supporting the Matses tribe and their land.

  • Hape is a traditional snuff that is blown up the nose with a pipe called a tepi. It's made of different blends of tobacco and ashes of plants and has many benefits such as allowing for deep inner exploration, mental clarity, and energetic healing. It is used in Kambo ceremonies for grounding and to aid in the purging process.

  • Sananga is an amazonian eye drop made from the root bark of the tabernaemontana sananho plant. Drops are administered to the eyes which causes a very short and intense burning sensation before entering into a state of deep relaxation, joy, or bliss. Sananga also helps clear the mind, open the 3rd eye, treat ocular disease, and balance energies. This is not a psychedelic, but a deeply introspective healing medicine.


Please note that none of the services offered constitute any form of medical practice. Always seek the advise of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding medical condition.

Kambo is not a western medicine. Caitlyn Burkhardt is not a doctor nor any other form of medical practitioner. Caitlyn does not diagnose, offer health advise, treat physical or mental health issues or prescribe medicines.

Participants are advised to do their own research as to the potential benefits of taking Kambo. None are implied or offered here.

This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or illness. All material provided is for educational purposes only.