
Become your own

medicine and

heal from within.

Transformational Breathwork

Access non-ordinary states of consciousness that lead to massive shifts comparable to plant medicines and psychedelics with the power of your breath.

Our breath is pure life force energy and when your entire being becomes flooded with it, miracles can happen.

(They’ve happened to me!)

By breathing rapidly through an open mouth to a curated playlist and intuitive guidance, we will shift your brainwaves to get you out of the critical thinking mind and into your subconscious mind - where your true self lives. When we tap into our authentic selves we can remember who we were before the doubt, fear, and pain derailed us from living our truth. This is a highly somatic practice, meaning it is full of physical sensations that help to release and alchemize the energy of emotions that have been trapped in your body for decades.

I find that regular breathwork paired with Polarity Therapy offers the best (and most rapid) results. This way we can explore the revelations that came up together and practice how to embody them into your daily life. Polarity will also give you a foundation of self awareness to give you more impactful breathwork journeys.

Please see contraindications and preparation guide before booking.