Wild Sweet Wellness

Where everything is easier with support.

Welcome to Wild Sweet Wellness. I’m Caitlyn.

I help people awaken their self healing capabilities and support them in connecting more deeply with their true selves to live authentically. The container we co-create is built on safety, trust, support and autonomy, creating space for you to be who you are and meet you where you’re at while gently expanding your edges.

We cannot force our healing. Not physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

When we are seen and supported as whole human beings - not reduced to our symptoms and behaviors - space is created for us to safely explore and BE who we are. It’s in this space that things begin to connect and we naturally come back into balance with ourselves and all of life.

I can’t wait for you to feel all of the magic I see in you.

Read more about my story here:

“Faith coupled with effort always gets results”

- Dr. Randolph Stone; creator of Polarity Therapy

  • Polarity Therapy

  • Integrative Massage

  • Breathwork

Polarity curious? We get it.

Get introduced to Polarity Therapy and experience it for yourself.

Single 90 Minute Polarity session for just $129

Explore rates & pricing

I typically work with people who can commit to weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedules for Polarity Therapy.

  • Alexus

    "I feel like I just met myself for the very first time".

  • Victoria

    "I'm noticing that I feel a lot more comfortable being myself. I like my own energy and I feel more in tune with everything around me."

  • Anna

    "Since working with Caitlyn I'm able to communicate better with my partner and work on things together from a place of understanding and support. The sessions somehow take me places I'm not expecting and help bring patterns to my awareness that I had overlooked. I am so grateful for everything that Caitlyn has helped me bring into my life these last few months!"

  • Jeanie

    "After working with Caitlyn, I have a newfound capacity to be with multiple emotions at once. I can hold feelings of grief and gratitude and I experience how love is interwoven into everything."

  • Janel

    "I had never heard of Polarity Therapy before and didn't know what to expect. My session sparked tremendous revelations for me as old patterns were revealed and I was able to process them in Caitlyn's relaxing presence. Tension melted away in my body and at the end of the session I felt a sense of euphoria and peace. I was able to sleep through the night for the first time in a couple of months. I highly recommend experiencing it for yourself."